Solutions 3D Complètes
Scantech fournit des scanners 3D portables professionnels et un système d’inspection 3D automatisé pendant tout le processus de fabrication et de production du produit, ce qui vous permet d’obtenir un grand succès. Ces scanners laser 3D et scanners 3D couleur innovants et industriels augmentent votre productivité, vous assurent en même temps la précision et l’efficacité.
Composite 3D Scanner
Ultra-high precision metrology-grade 3D scanner
The first portable 3D scanner that combines infrared and blue lasers, offering five standard working modes.
Handheld 3D Scanner
Designed for 3D scanning narrow spaces
Handheld 3D laser scanner can be used to accomplish on-site tasks in places such as narrow spaces or unstable environments.
Global 3D Scanner
Accuracy booster for large-scale project
AXE series 3D laser canners have a built-in photogrammetry system to provide metrology-grade 3D solutions without the help of extra devices.
Tracking 3D Scanner
Metrology-grade 3D scanning without markers
TrackScan series 3D laser scanners enable unprecedented accuracy, simplicity, portability, speed and efficiency for 3D inspections.
What is the best 3D scanner for your demands?
Offer you a tailored 3D measurement solution

Logiciel 3D Scantech
Integrated Scan & Inspection 3D Software. ScanViewer powers the entire fleet of 3D scanning and measurement technologies. The 3D data processed by ScanViewer can be imported to 3D design software for furture use.